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My forest home andndash Orangutan
My forest home andndash Orangutan

My forest home – Orangutan

Artwork Type: Print

Pastel on Supertooth paper

Original SOLD

A forest is home to many life forms and perhaps the most beautiful is the orangutan (man of the forest in Malay). Key distributers of plant seeds and fruits the orang is what ecologists call a keystone species and without them their forest home begins to collapse as plant species ….and the animals dependent upon them also decline. This trophic cascade can be disastrous for the entire system. Thus, it is imperative humans protect them and their habitat.

I ask is this REALLY the best humans can do???? It has all been said before and if you haven't heard other species telling us too then it's because you chose not to pay attention. Listen people.....please. Nature has been telling us since we took our first tentative step down from the trees. There is no tomorrow if we don't make it happen (at least not for humans).

There is hardly a living species that illustrates more dramatically just how humans have erred in the way we treat fellow beings and nature in general ….so this painting of a critically endangered Sumatran orangutan which I did some time back always give me pause for thought.

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“My art is of nature,
 for nature

Steve Morvell


Support our conservation efforts with these beautiful products. 20% from every purchase goes directly to conservation in the field where it does the most good. All prints are on world renowned archival canvas with archival inks and UV protective coating.